"Hands of Grace" is a new ASL faith formation resource that is now released. It is the project that Fr. Shawn Carey worked with Fr. Sean Loomis for consultations...
An amazing article about how Colin has been developing specialized ASL vocabulary in his field of study! Way to go, Colin! We are so proud of your accomplishments!
The dignity and rights of people with disabilities are increasingly threatened by a society that discriminates and views them as a burden, Pope Francis said...
During the ICDA Conference San Francisco 2019 last summer, Deaf Catholic Youth Track had a keynote presenter, Rannah Evetts, the founder of St. Francis De Sales School for the Deaf. Here is an article about her experience in founding the school...
Colin Lualdi, Boston Deaf Catholic young adult and Father Shawn Carey both are on the ASL YouCat Project team that focuses on translating all the catechisms of the Catholic Church for Young Adults into ASL films. The videos will be released in the coming future!
On April 25, Pope Francis met with the Italian Deaf Association and encouraged them to play an active role in evangelization... Indeed we are called to do it!
At WYD 2019 Panama In The Capital, young adults who were not able to go to Panama, had an opportunity to have a WYD experience in our nation's capital where Fr. Shawn was one of the panelists...
This is a speech that Pope Francis delivered on September 29, 2018, which was World Deaf Day. He encourages the world that all the Deaf have a right to dignified life and as well as to participate in the life of the Church.
Fr. Shawn Carey, Director of the Boston Deaf Apostolate, traveled to Rome last June to participate as a panel presenter for the Deaf Catholic Youth Initiatives for the Americas. He had the opportunity to meet Pope Francis. The conference was very successful! Thanks to be God!
Six years ago, Fr. Shawn Carey received an e-mail from Kathy Daykin, the Director of the Deaf Apostolate for the Archdiocese of Atlanta requesting a pastoral visit with one of her Deaf Catholic youth, Nicholas at one of the Boston hospitals...